
Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Serangga Pembunuh yang baru ditemui di Asia yang boleh menyebabkan infeksi jika dibunuh dengan tangan kosong


There are people who tent to kill insects with bare hands and some can be a deadly threat to them. In India it has been spotted the new killer insect. It spreads a disfiguration condition of the skin that has been the focus of attention lately.


What is it?

If you touch or try to kill this insect with bare hands it will transmit a deadly virus that will spread very fast in the human body.


In case you spot it you should not try to kill it with your hands as it will spread a deadly viral infection. It will circulate in the body in just a few minutes. The consequences are unlikely treatable, thus you have to be cautious not to get into direct contact with it.

Sumber: coretanmalaysiaterkini

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