
Monday, 5 September 2016

Ketagih Game Gadget Kanak Kanak 4 Tahun Jadi Bisu


Ketagih Game Gadget Kanak Kanak 4 Tahun Jadi Bisu|Shafran 10 bulan,yang terbiasa melihat ibu dan kakaknya bermain game di tab,pada awalnya hanya sekedar jadi penonton hinggalah tertarik untuk mencuba.

Seiring bertambahnya usia, gadget merupakan barang yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kehidupan sehariannya.

Ibunya pun senang, karena tidak perlu membelikan barang mainan yang tentu akan menjadi kerja seharian untuk mengemasnya.

Akan tetapi ketika umur anaknya berusia 2 tahun,ibunya mulai melihat ada tanda tanda yang tidak normal pada anaknya.

1.Kaku dengan lingkungan
2.Tidak pandai berkawan
3.Tidak pandai bermain dengan barangan mainan kanak kanak normal
4.Kurangnya respon bercakap

Keanehan yang paling di takuti oleh ibunya adalah,anaknya yang kurang huruf dalam bercakap(seperti bisu) hingga berumur 3 tahun.

Khawatir dengan perkembangan anaknya yang semakin teruk ia kemudian membawanya berjumpa doktor pakar.

Puncanya di dapati karena kurangnya percakapan dari orang tua dan anggota keluarga lainnya membuat Shafraan kekurangan huruf dalam bercakap.

Tentu .gadget lah penyebabnya,semenjak dari pada itu,si ibu mulai membatasi penggunaan gadjet di rumah,katanya Shafraan akan mengamuk dan menangis sambil membaling semua barang barang yang berada dekat dengannya,dia susah makan,susah tidur.

Seperti halnya naluri seorang ibu,ia tewas dan akhirnya memberikan Gadjed semula pada anaknya.

Hampir setahun berlalu anaknya yang kini berusia 4 tahun di masukkan kehospital karena mengalami kondisi Speech delay.

Menurut doktor Shafraan sekarang dalam kondisi Speech delay atau keterlambatan bercakap yang kini berusia 4 tahun 2 bulan.

Speech delay adalah bahasa yang di gunakan berkait masalah terhambatnya perkembangan otak dan bahasa pada anak.

Menurut penelitian hanya 5 peratus kanak kanak yang mengalami masalah ini,sebabnya adalah kurangnya perkomunikasian antara keluarga serta anak yang selalu berkurung di dalam rumah dan kurang memiliki hubungan dengan dunia luar.

Kenyataan doktor itu bagaikan petir yang menyambar,baru saya sedar saya lah puncaShafraan jadi begini sebab saya,Saya tidak mahu di ganggu deagan suara tangisan,rengekannya,Saya tidak mahu melihat rumah bersepah karena mainannya. Saya tidak mahu susah dan tidak mahu penat menjaganya itulah kesalahan yang baru saya sedari,kata ibu beranak satu itu.

Katanya setelah berbincang dengan suami,mereka sepakat untuk membawa Shafraan mengikuti Terapi Wicara yang di anjurkan doktor dimana kesembuhannya tidak dapat di pastikan akan tetapi bila trapi dilakukan dengan rutin dan di tambah latihan di dalam rumah,kesembuhan untukShafraan sangat tinggi.

Berapa tahun pun lamanya saya tidak kisah,kalaulah waktu bisa di putar kembali,tentu saya akan lebih banyak mengahabiskan masa mengajarnya bercakap dan bermain.kantanya.

Bagaimanapun update terkini IbuShafraan selepas 5 bulan mengatakan bahwa anaknya itu sudah mulai bermain permainan kanak kanak seperti mengendalikan kereta maninan,menconteng buku dan dinding,manakala percakapannya ada di antara yang sudah mulai jelas namun belum semua.

Alhamdulillha kini anak saya sudah menunjukkan tanda tanda perkembangan yang baik,mohon doanya semogaShafraan segera sembuh,tulisnya.

The 6 secrets of cheap car insurance quotes

How to use car insurance firms’ own tricks against them to lower your car insurance premium and get a cheaper quote – 6 secrets revealed

Sometimes car insurance premiums make sense. People living in places with more car crime or who have more expensive cars pay more, for example. But they’re far from the only thing insurers up your premium for.

Insurers have gone as far as working out surgeons normally have more accidents where they were to blame than any other profession and building society clerks the fewest. They know Virgos were worst for accidents last year, but Pisceans had more convictions.

That means they will up your premium based on age, sex, job, post code and where you park park as well as what you drive.

But car insurance providers don’t have to have to have it all their own way weve found six ways to get cheaper car insurance that theyd really rather you didnt know.

1. Use the right job title

If you describe yourself as a chef when filling in your car insurance application your average quote is 98 higher than if you write kitchen staff comparison site GoCompare.com found and its not just cooks that have this problem.

Music teachers pay 86 more than teachers, office managers pay more than office administrators, and construction workers pay more than builders who in turn pay more than bricklayers.

Basically, if your job fits in more than one category, check car insurance quotes are for all of them before applying. For more on how your job affects your car insurance, check out GoCompares guide . And if youre a full time parent or retired make absolutely sure you check that box and not unemployed it could save you almost 300.

2. Add another more experienced driver to the policy

Its a crime to say someone who isnt the main driver of a car is, but adding a secondary driver is perfectly legal – and more than that, it can save you money.

Get their permission first, then add an experienced driver with a clean driving license and decent no-claims history to your insurance.

3. Never leave it till the last minute

Searching around and switching car insurance three weeks before your renewal date, rather than on the day, saves you an average of 280, comparison site Comparethemarket found with even bigger savings available for younger drivers.

Oh, and make absolutely sure you do compare and switch figures from Moneysupermarket.com show almost 6 million drivers just accept their auto-renewal quote costing them 113 a year.

4. Get some cash back

Comparison sites make money because when you switch products with them they get a referral fee from the insurer. But if youre clever, you can get that money yourself.

Topcashback is offering up to 110.25 cashback when you switch through them. Once youve compared prices and found which deal is cheapest, head over to one of them and see if you can get an even better deal by switching through the cashback site.

5. Pay up front

Did you know that many insurers charge interest on your payments if you spread the cost over the year? Well, they do. an average of 62 more Moneysupermarket worked out. So if at all possible, pay up front.

6. Cut your extras and boost your excess

GettyCar Insurance Car CrashGet cheaper car insurance without changing your car

Sometimes car insurance premiums make sense. People living in places with more car crime or who have more expensive cars pay more, for example. But they’re far from the only thing insurers up your premium for.

Insurers have gone as far as working out surgeons normally have more accidents where they were to blame than any other profession and building society clerks the fewest. They know Virgos were worst for accidents last year, but Pisceans had more convictions.

That means they will up your premium based on age, sex, job, post code and where you park park as well as what you drive.

But car insurance providers don’t have to have to have it all their own way weve found six ways to get cheaper car insurance that theyd really rather you didnt know.

1. Use the right job title

Phil Harris / Daily MirrorClemie Moody Masterchef

If you describe yourself as a chef when filling in your car insurance application your average quote is 98 higher than if you write kitchen staff comparison site GoCompare.com found and its not just cooks that have this problem.

Music teachers pay 86 more than teachers, office managers pay more than office administrators, and construction workers pay more than builders who in turn pay more than bricklayers.

Basically, if your job fits in more than one category, check car insurance quotes are for all of them before applying. For more on how your job affects your car insurance, check out GoCompares guide . And if youre a full time parent or retired make absolutely sure you check that box and not unemployed it could save you almost 300.

2. Add another more experienced driver to the policy

CatersA woman will have to grin and BEAR a fine – after attempting to use a giant TEDDY to beat traffic. The female driver, 19, placed a giant bear in the passenger seat of her car in the hope it would allow her to use a 2+ lane.Not all drivers get you a discount

Its a crime to say someone who isnt the main driver of a car is, but adding a secondary driver is perfectly legal – and more than that, it can save you money.

Get their permission first, then add an experienced driver with a clean driving license and decent no-claims history to your insurance.

3. Never leave it till the last minute


Searching around and switching car insurance three weeks before your renewal date, rather than on the day, saves you an average of 280, comparison site Comparethemarket found with even bigger savings available for younger drivers.

Oh, and make absolutely sure you do compare and switch figures from Moneysupermarket.com show almost 6 million drivers just accept their auto-renewal quote costing them 113 a year.

4. Get some cash back


Comparison sites make money because when you switch products with them they get a referral fee from the insurer. But if youre clever, you can get that money yourself.

Topcashback is offering up to 110.25 cashback when you switch through them. Once youve compared prices and found which deal is cheapest, head over to one of them and see if you can get an even better deal by switching through the cashback site.

5. Pay up front

Butter StickSometimes spreading isn’t clever

Did you know that many insurers charge interest on your payments if you spread the cost over the year? Well, they do. an average of 62 more Moneysupermarket worked out. So if at all possible, pay up front.

6. Cut your extras and boost your excess

SWNSScrappage Scheme

Whats included in your car insurance quote? Breakdown cover? Windscreen cover? Theft from the car? Driving abroad? Personal accident cover? A courtesy car? Every extra adds to the premium. More than that, a lot of them might already be covered by things like your travel insurance, AA membership, home insurance or even your bank account.

Double check youre not double paying and then look to see if you really need these extras. Oh, and you need to check how much excess there is on your policy. This is how much you have to pay yourself when making a claim. The lower the excess the higher the car insurance, so work out how what you can afford to pay in the case of an accident and set your excess to that even 50 can make a difference.

And of course….

These will all lower your quote, but to pay less make sure you’ve compared car insurance providers too.

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Sumber: penhijaudaun

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