Apabila sesebuah rumahtangga didirikan oleh insan bernama lelaki dan perempuan, maka terbinalah satu cinta, perjanjian untuk hidup bersama hingga akhir hayat.
Rumah tangga yang dibina adalah menjadit tanggunjaab suami dan isteri untuk menjaganya, masing-masing mempunyai tugas masing-masing dan lakukanlah berdasarkan tuntutan agama namun tidak salah jika salah seorang bertolak ansur tolong menolong.
Dalam hal perbelanjaan rumah sudah pasti ianya tanggungjawab suami, namun tidak menjadi kesalahan jika isteri itu sendiri hendak bantu si suami, tetapi ketahuilah melaksanakan tanggungjawab seperti dituntut agama itu ada keberkatannya.
Dikongsikan oleh DoktorMahyuddin Mohamedsatu artikel yang amat baik kisah keberkatan rumah tangga yang beliau perolehi selepas menajalankan tanggungjawabnya sebagai suami.
Jom kita baca,
Wang Nafkah Bulanan Isteri:
Duitmu buat dirimu, duitku duitmu jua
Sengaja aku menghulurkan duit nafkah bulanan buat isteriku di hadapan anak-anak kami. Tersengeh-sengeh KakLong & Nabila melihat wang yang bertukar tangan. Itu bukan pertama kali mereka melihat aku menjalankan tanggungjawabku sebagai seorang suami itu.
“Kenapa Papa kena bagi duit kat Mama?” Hasif masih terlalu kecil untuk faham namun tahap curiosity beliau begitu tinggi. Dia akan sentiasa bertanya apa2 yang dia tidak faham.
“Suami memang WAJIB beri nafkah setiap bulan pada isteri tahu Hasif. Nanti Hasif dah jadi suami pun, Hasif pun kena beri duit kat isteri”. Isteriku mengajar ilmu kehidupan & kewajipan seorang suami. Hasif mengangguk faham.
“Best la jadi orang perempuan Mama. Gaji Papa dan Mama kan sama. Kenapa Papa kena bagi duit kat Mama?” Nabila pula bertanya.
“Kalau gaji suami lagi sikit dari gaji isteri dia pun, dia masih kena beri nafkah setiap bulan. Kena bagi, walaupun sedikit. WAJIB. Melainkan kalau isteri dia kata tak payah la…” Nabila sengeh. Puas hati dengan jawapan isteriku.
Ramai suami yang pandang remeh Nafkah Bulanan buat isteri masing-masing. Ada yang TIDAK TAHU & ada yang BUAT-BUAT TAK TAHU. Ada juga LANGSUNG TAK AMBIL TAHU.
Jangan terkejut kita seorang lelaki yang bergelar suami tidak tahu yang memberi nafkah buat isteri itu WAJIB.
Ada yang tidak pernah beri wang kepada isteri. Jika isteri tidak memaafkan & menghalalkan, maka suami akan sentiasa berada dalam keadaan berdosa.
Berilah Duit Nafkah bulanan kepada isteri kita. Tak mampu banyak, beri sedikit. Tak mampu RM200, berilah RM100. Jika tak mampu juga, berilah RM50 atau RM10. Jika masih tidak mampu juga, suami perlu minta isteri halalkan perbelanjaan yang dibuat dengan menggunakan wang isterinya.
“Okay sayang, bulan ni, bil air sayang bayar, bil letrik abang bayar yer?”
“Loan kereta Myvi bulan ni Ayang bayar yer, Abang tak cukup la duit bulan ni sebab nak kena tukang baiki dapur tu”
Biasa dengar tak dialog kat atas? Atau biasa buat? Sebenarnya, kalau kita nak bahagi-bahagikan pembayaran bil letrik, air, pinjaman kereta atau rumah sekalipun, kita kena minta isteri halalkan.
“Sayang, sayang halalkan bil air yang sayang bayarkan bulan ni yer!”
Cakap macam tu kat isteri anda. Kalau cakap baik-baik, pasti isteri kita gembira aje nak tolong kita dengan perbelanjaan rumahtangga.
Aku takut berdosa. Aku juga pernah TIDAK TAHU mengenai wang nafkah buat isteri dan urusan perbelanjaan keluarga.
Aku tidak malu mengakui yang kami sama2 tidak tahu perkara ini waktu mula-mula mendirikan rumahtangga 18 tahun dahulu. Masa tu student lagi. Kat luar negara pulak tu. Bila mula bekerja pada 2002, kami belanja sendiri-sendiri. Perbelanjaan dan bil pula dibahagi-bahagikan.
Aku tidak beri duit nafkah kepada isteriku kerana waktu itu aku TIDAK TAHU mengenai perkara ini. Isteriku juga TIDAK TAHU. Lagi pun, sangkaku, gaji isteriku pun sama banyak dengan gaji aku. Kenapa nak kena beri lagi.
Tapi sangkaanku silap. Gaji aku hanya cukup-cukup sahaja. Cukup bulan gaji habis. Pernah terjadi, duit tinggal RM10 sahaja sehari sebelum gaji masuk.
Perkara ini berubah lebih kurang 10 tahun yang lalu (aku tak ingat tarikh sebenar) apabila kami mula TAHU mengenai Duit Nafkah seorang isteri ini. Duit untuk isteri belanja beli apa sahaja yang dia mahu & bila sahaja dia mahu.
Duit ini tidak termasuk duit belanja dapur, ikan, ayam, sayur. Tidak termasuk baju kain isteri. Tidak termasuk syampu, ubat gigi & toiletries lain. Perbelanjaan ini semuanya mesti ditanggung oleh Suami. Tapi kalau isteri tersayang nak tolong, takde salahnya kan?
Aku mula memberi Duit Nafkah Bulanan buat isteriku & aku mohon beliau halalkan setiap sen yang aku tidak lunaskan sebelumnya. AlhamdulilLah isteriku halalkan. AlhamdulilLah leganya hati. Lapangnya dada.
Pasti ada suami yang merasakan ia seakan tidak adil. Namun percayalah, terdapat keberkatan dalam memberikan Duit Nafkah isteri kita. Islam itu Adil. Percayalah.
Sejak memberi wang nafkah bulanan buat isteri, rezekiku bertambah & mencurah-curah. Kehidupan menjadi lapang & mudah. Segala keperluan sentiasa dalam kecukupan. Isteri apatah lagi, gembira sokmo. Bibir sentiasa dihiasi Senyuman manis.
Ada keberkatan dalam pemberian Wang Nafkah Bulanan isteri kita.
A Happy Wife leads to a Happy Home & Happy Family. (A grumpy wife… Anda jawab sendiri…)
Jika anda belum lakukan, mulai dengan hari ini. Berilah Duit Nafkah belanja isteri anda. Anda akan lihat perubahan positif dalam kehidupan anda sekeluarga, InsyaAllah.
Kongsikan dengan suami2 diluar sana. Semoga beroleh keberkatan rezeki & kelapangan dalam kehidupan.
The 6 secrets of cheap car insurance quotes
How to use car insurance firms’ own tricks against them to lower your car insurance premium and get a cheaper quote – 6 secrets revealed
Sometimes car insurance premiums make sense. People living in places with more car crime or who have more expensive cars pay more, for example. But they’re far from the only thing insurers up your premium for.
Insurers have gone as far as working out surgeons normally have more accidents where they were to blame than any other profession and building society clerks the fewest. They know Virgos were worst for accidents last year, but Pisceans had more convictions.
That means they will up your premium based on age, sex, job, post code and where you park park as well as what you drive.
But car insurance providers don’t have to have to have it all their own way weve found six ways to get cheaper car insurance that theyd really rather you didnt know.
1. Use the right job title
If you describe yourself as a chef when filling in your car insurance application your average quote is 98 higher than if you write kitchen staff comparison site GoCompare.com found and its not just cooks that have this problem.
Music teachers pay 86 more than teachers, office managers pay more than office administrators, and construction workers pay more than builders who in turn pay more than bricklayers.
Basically, if your job fits in more than one category, check car insurance quotes are for all of them before applying. For more on how your job affects your car insurance, check out GoCompares guide . And if youre a full time parent or retired make absolutely sure you check that box and not unemployed it could save you almost 300.
2. Add another more experienced driver to the policy
Its a crime to say someone who isnt the main driver of a car is, but adding a secondary driver is perfectly legal – and more than that, it can save you money.
Get their permission first, then add an experienced driver with a clean driving license and decent no-claims history to your insurance.
3. Never leave it till the last minute
Searching around and switching car insurance three weeks before your renewal date, rather than on the day, saves you an average of 280, comparison site Comparethemarket found with even bigger savings available for younger drivers.
Oh, and make absolutely sure you do compare and switch figures from Moneysupermarket.com show almost 6 million drivers just accept their auto-renewal quote costing them 113 a year.
4. Get some cash back
Comparison sites make money because when you switch products with them they get a referral fee from the insurer. But if youre clever, you can get that money yourself.
Topcashback is offering up to 110.25 cashback when you switch through them. Once youve compared prices and found which deal is cheapest, head over to one of them and see if you can get an even better deal by switching through the cashback site.
5. Pay up front
Did you know that many insurers charge interest on your payments if you spread the cost over the year? Well, they do. an average of 62 more Moneysupermarket worked out. So if at all possible, pay up front.
6. Cut your extras and boost your excess
GettyCar Insurance Car CrashGet cheaper car insurance without changing your car
Sometimes car insurance premiums make sense. People living in places with more car crime or who have more expensive cars pay more, for example. But they’re far from the only thing insurers up your premium for.
Insurers have gone as far as working out surgeons normally have more accidents where they were to blame than any other profession and building society clerks the fewest. They know Virgos were worst for accidents last year, but Pisceans had more convictions.
That means they will up your premium based on age, sex, job, post code and where you park park as well as what you drive.
But car insurance providers don’t have to have to have it all their own way weve found six ways to get cheaper car insurance that theyd really rather you didnt know.
1. Use the right job title
Phil Harris / Daily MirrorClemie Moody Masterchef
If you describe yourself as a chef when filling in your car insurance application your average quote is 98 higher than if you write kitchen staff comparison site GoCompare.com found and its not just cooks that have this problem.
Music teachers pay 86 more than teachers, office managers pay more than office administrators, and construction workers pay more than builders who in turn pay more than bricklayers.
Basically, if your job fits in more than one category, check car insurance quotes are for all of them before applying. For more on how your job affects your car insurance, check out GoCompares guide . And if youre a full time parent or retired make absolutely sure you check that box and not unemployed it could save you almost 300.
2. Add another more experienced driver to the policy
CatersA woman will have to grin and BEAR a fine – after attempting to use a giant TEDDY to beat traffic. The female driver, 19, placed a giant bear in the passenger seat of her car in the hope it would allow her to use a 2+ lane.Not all drivers get you a discount
Its a crime to say someone who isnt the main driver of a car is, but adding a secondary driver is perfectly legal – and more than that, it can save you money.
Get their permission first, then add an experienced driver with a clean driving license and decent no-claims history to your insurance.
3. Never leave it till the last minute
Searching around and switching car insurance three weeks before your renewal date, rather than on the day, saves you an average of 280, comparison site Comparethemarket found with even bigger savings available for younger drivers.
Oh, and make absolutely sure you do compare and switch figures from Moneysupermarket.com show almost 6 million drivers just accept their auto-renewal quote costing them 113 a year.
4. Get some cash back
Comparison sites make money because when you switch products with them they get a referral fee from the insurer. But if youre clever, you can get that money yourself.
Topcashback is offering up to 110.25 cashback when you switch through them. Once youve compared prices and found which deal is cheapest, head over to one of them and see if you can get an even better deal by switching through the cashback site.
5. Pay up front
Butter StickSometimes spreading isn’t clever
Did you know that many insurers charge interest on your payments if you spread the cost over the year? Well, they do. an average of 62 more Moneysupermarket worked out. So if at all possible, pay up front.
6. Cut your extras and boost your excess
SWNSScrappage Scheme
Whats included in your car insurance quote? Breakdown cover? Windscreen cover? Theft from the car? Driving abroad? Personal accident cover? A courtesy car? Every extra adds to the premium. More than that, a lot of them might already be covered by things like your travel insurance, AA membership, home insurance or even your bank account.
Double check youre not double paying and then look to see if you really need these extras. Oh, and you need to check how much excess there is on your policy. This is how much you have to pay yourself when making a claim. The lower the excess the higher the car insurance, so work out how what you can afford to pay in the case of an accident and set your excess to that even 50 can make a difference.
And of course….
These will all lower your quote, but to pay less make sure you’ve compared car insurance providers too.
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Sumber: penhijaudaun
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