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Please check the ingredients.
Ada maltodextrin.
Maltodextrin bukan sahaja tidak bagus kepada anak, ia tidak bagus untuk semua peringkat usia. Ia diperbuat daripada sirap jagung. Jagung pula sumbernya GMO.
Sirap jagung berfruktos tinggi (HFCS) adalah sejenis bahan pemanis yang diproses secara menyeluruh dari jagung ubahsuai genetik. Ia kebanyakannya diimport dari Amerika kerana Amerika merupakan pengeluar dan pengeksport HFCS terbesar di dunia.
Ia bukan saja untuk kegunaan makanan manusia dan haiwan malah terdapat dalam hampir semua produk kegunaan seharian seperti minyak enjin, gris, cat, pelekat, plastik, minyak wangi, bateri, peluru, bahan peletup dan banyak lagi yang tidak boleh anda bayangkan. Jagung yang digunakan juga bukan dari spesis jagung yang boleh dimakan manusia tetapi diproses terlebih dahulu.
Antara makanan yang mengandungi sirap jagung berfruktos tinggi (HFCS) ialah sebahagian besar produk Kellog’s, sebahagian besar produk Heinz, sebahagian produk Kraft, sebahagian produk cokelat Hershey’s, ais krim, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Sprite, A&W, produk minuman Capri-Sun, emping jagung, minuman berkarbonat, minuman jus, campuran coklat, produk susu formula, jem, sos cili dan tomato, sos lada hitam, sos tiram, minuman kopi segera, roti, muffin, kek, snek, butter, pastri, biskut, bijirin, ubat batuk, ubat batuk Vicks, yogurt, sup Campbells …dan banyak lagi.
Ia lebih murah dari gula tebu, kerana itu ia digunakan secara meluas sebagai menggantikan gula dalam banyak produk makanan. Tanpa serat dan nutrien semulajadi, ia terserap terus ke dalam darah. Kesan negatif antaranya menyah-nutrien dari tubuh. Ia menyebabkan obesiti dan menambah rasa lapar.
Bagaimana ia membuatkan anda lapar? Sirap jagung menghalang pengeluaran leptin protin yang memberi isyarat kepada otak bahawa anda berasa kenyang. Pada masa yang sama, ia tidak mengeluarkan ghrelin – unsur yang memberitahu bahawa anda sedang lapar. Akhirnya, anda makan secara berterusan. Ia memberi faedah kepada pengeluar makanan dengan menjual produk tanpa had.
Pada kajian yang lain, HFCS merosakkan tisu dan menyumbang kepada diabetes. Sebagai contoh, setin minuman mengandungi sekurang-kurangnya 5 kali ganda pemanis dari gula tebu. Dalam kebanyakan produk, pengusaha menyembunyikan istilah HFCS disebalik nama sirap jagung, pemanis semulajadi, sirap glukosa, fruktosa, fruktos buah-buahan, sukrosa, pekatan jus buah-buahan, pemanis jagung atau dekstrosa.
Berhati-hati ketika membeli produk makanan.Sila teliti isi kandungan produk.Kebanyakan produk penambah selera makan mengandungi maltodextrin.
Info tambahan,malt extract atau ekstrak malt adalah berbeza dengan maltodextrin.
Ia adalah campuran karbohidrat, terdiri daripada dekstrin, maltosa dan diastase, diperolehi daripada penguraian kanji dalam barli.
Sebenarnya Menurut HealthWhat is maltodextrin?
Do you read nutrition labels before you buy? If so, youre not alone. According to the 2014 Food and Drug Administration Health and Diet Survey, 77 percent of consumers check out the nutrition ingredients at least some of the time, especially when buying a new product. Thats a nearly 20 percent increase from the same survey in 2008. So interest in food ingredients among consumers seems to be on the rise.
Unless youre a nutritionist or dietitian, reading nutrition labels will probably introduce you to numerous ingredients you dont recognize. One ingredient youll encounter in many foods is maltodextrin. Its a common additive in many processed foods, but is it bad for you? Or should you avoid it?
What is maltodextrin?
Maltodextrin is a white powder made from corn, rice, potato starch, or wheat. Even though it comes from plants, its highly processed. To make it, first the starches are cooked, and then acids or enzymes are added to break it down further. The resulting white powder is water-soluble and has a neutral taste.
Why is maltodextrin in your food?
Maltodextrin is generally used as a thickener or filler to increase the volume of a processed food. Its also a preservative that increases the shelf life of packaged foods. Its inexpensive and easy to produce, so its useful for thickening products like instant pudding and gelatins, sauces, and salad dressings. It can also be combined with artificial sweeteners to sweeten products like canned fruits, desserts, and powdered drinks. Its even used as a thickener in personal care items like lotion and hair care products.
What is the nutritional value of maltodextrin?
Maltodextrin has 4 calories per gram the same amount as sucrose, or table sugar. Like sugar, your body can digest maltodextrin quickly, so its useful if you need a quick boost of calories and energy. However, maltodextrins glycemic index is higher than table sugar, ranging from 106 to 136. This means that it can raise your blood sugar level very quickly.
Is maltodextrin safe?
The Food and Drug Administration has approved maltodextrin as a safe food additive. Its included in the nutrition value of food as part of the total carbohydrate count. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, carbohydrates should make up no more than 45-65% of your overall calories. Ideally, most of those carbohydrates should be complex carbohydrates that are rich in fiber, not foods that quickly raise your blood sugar.
If you have diabetes or insulin resistance, or if your doctor has recommended a low-carbohydrate diet, you should include any maltodextrin you eat in your total carbohydrate count for the day. However, its usually only present in food in small amounts, so it wont have a significant effect on your overall carbohydrate intake.
When should you avoid maltodextrin?
The high glycemic index of maltodextrin means it can cause spikes in your blood sugar level, especially if its consumed in large amounts. Because of this, you may want to avoid maltodextrin if you have diabetes or insulin resistance.
Another reason to limit maltodextrin is to keep your gut bacteria healthy. According to a 2012 study published in PLOS ONE, maltodextrin can change your gut bacteria composition in a way that makes you more susceptible to disease. It can suppress the growth of probiotics in your digestive system, which are important for the functioning of your immune system. The same study showed that maltodextrin can increase the growth of bacteria such as E. coli, which is associated with autoimmune disorders like Crohns disease. If youre at risk for developing an autoimmune or digestive disorder, then avoiding maltodextrin may be a good idea.
If youre on a gluten-free diet, you may be concerned about maltodextrin because it has malt in the name. Malt is made from barley, so it contains gluten. However, maltodextrin is gluten-free, even when its made from wheat. According to the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness, the processing that wheat starches undergo in the creation of maltodextrin renders it gluten-free. So if you have celiac disease or if youre on a GF diet, you can still consume maltodextrin.
Finally, because its often used as a cheap thickener or filler, maltodextrin is usually manufactured from genetically modified corn. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, GMO corn is safe, and it meets all the same standards as non-genetically-modified plants. But if you choose to avoid GMO, that doesnt mean you need to avoid all foods that contain maltodextrin any food thats labeled organic is also GMO-free.
Is maltodextrin ever good for you?
Because maltodextrin is a fast-digesting carbohydrate, its often included in sports drinks and snacks for athletes. For bodybuilders and other athletes trying to gain weight, maltodextrin can be a good source of quick calories during or after a workout. Since maltodextrin doesnt use as much water to digest as some carbohydrates, its a good way to get quick calories without becoming dehydrated. Some research also shows that maltodextrin supplements can help maintain anaerobic power during exercise.
Whats the take home message?
Like sugar and other simple carbohydrates, maltodextrin can form part of a healthy diet, but it shouldnt be the main course. As long as you limit it, and balance it with fiber and protein, maltodextrin can add valuable carbohydrates and energy to your diet.
Sumber: ohkisahtentangkita
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